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Leagan amach an chláir Veidhlín sa scoil:

How the programme works In Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin:


Naíonaín Mhóra, Rang 1 agus ar agaidh:

Nuair a thosaíonn siad ar a fior-veidhlín i Naíonáin mhór, bogann na páistí go grúpaí beaga a thugann níos mór aire agus idirghníomhaíocht aonair chun monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar a ndul chun cinn. Bíonn ceathrar ar an uasmhéad i ngach grúpa, a thagann amach as an rang I gcomhair ceacht 30 nóiméad leis an ngrúpa beag céanna gach seachtain. Luaslódaíltear gach a fhoghlaimíonn an páiste ina ngrúpaí beaga agus táid ar fáil ar an tiomántan Google. Gach uair a thosaíonn na páistí ar chéim nua nó scil nua a fhoghlaim ar an veidhlín, roinneann Sheena ábhar, grianghraif agus físéain cleachtadh baile go mbeadh tuismitheoirí in ann cabhrú leis na páistí sa bhaile. Tugtar uasdáta trí ríomhphost do na tuismitheoirí agus mar sin bíonn fhios ag tuismitheoirí I gcónaí cad atá idir lámha ag na daltaí agus tacaítear leo agus iad ag cleachtadh sa bhaile. Bíonn an ti-omántan Google ar fáil an bhliain ar fad agus is acmhainn é atá deartha do thuismitheoirí Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin amháin. 


Ta gá le treoir agus cleachtadh rialta faoi mhaoirseacht chun cinntiú go mbeidh na páistí faoi bhláth agus ag baint taitnimh as a n-uirlisí. Seo an áit a thacaíonn an ‘Triantán Suzuki’ go mor.


Ag Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin tá clár saibhir ar leith deartha againn ina fhoghlaimíonn na páistí an veidhlín I ngrúpaí beaga agus tá fáil acu ar cheachtanna veidlín ar ardchaighdeán le Sheena agus ceachtanna

cumas ceoil le Múinteoir Pax.

Senior Infants, Rang 1 & beyond:

Once they start on their real violins in Senior Infants, children move into small groups which allows for more attention and individual interaction to monitor how they are doing. A small group has a maximum of 4 children, who come out of class for a 30-minute lesson with their same small group each week. Everything the child learns in their small groups is uploaded and available on the google drive. Each time the children start a new step or learn a new skill on the violin, Sheena shares information material, pho-tos and home practice videos so parents are well positioned to assist with violin practice at home. Parents are informed of all updates via email so parents always know what their child is working on and they are fully supported when practising at home. The google drive is always available all year round and is a re-source specifically designed solely for parents of Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin.


 At Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin, we have created a very unique enriching musical programme where all the children learn to play violin in small groups and have access to both high quality violin lessons with Sheena and musicianship lessons with Múinteoir Pax.

Our children need to be guided and have supervised practise regularly to ensure they thrive and enjoy learning their instrument. This is where the “Suzuki Triangle: Teacher, Child and Parent” model really comes into play.

47th Annual Suzuki Concert
Group of students in the Cork School of Music

Ghlac ár leanaí oillte Rang 1, faoi stiúr ár múinteoir ceoil iontach Sheena Knepper, páirt i "Musicians in the Making" 47ú Ceolchoirm BhliantúilSuzuki i gcomhairle le Scoil Cheol Chorcaí ar an Satharn 9ú Samhain 2019. B'í an cheád deis do na leanaí cur a láthair a dhéanamh ar an ardán mar ghrúpa agus bhaineadar ard-thaitneamh as an ócáid iontach seo.


Our very talented First Class children, under the direction of our amazing music teacher Sheena Knepper, took part in the Musicians in the Making 47th Annual Suzuki Concert in association with the Cork School of Music on Saturday 9th November 2019. It was the children first opportunity to perform on stage as a group, an experience that was thoroughly enjoyed by all involved. Several other schools around Cork have their own suzuki programmes and opportunities come up throughout the year to perform with and make new friends at Suzuki events.


Every autumn the Annual Suzuki Concert "Musicians in the making" takes place in Cork city and brings children together to play together and be inspired. There are also special group classes held throughout the year at the Cork School of Music where again, the children can play with others, and also get to work with lots of different Suzuki trained teachers. Every July a summer camp is held, alternating between Cork, Dublin and Galway where international teachers are invited from many countries around Europe. There are so many opportunities available for the children to share their music, and work hard at their instrument while still having fun.


Máire Uí Shé, B. Ed., M. Ed.

Uimhir Rolla


Fón: 021-4826181



Cumann Rugbaí Bhaile an Chollaigh, Tanner Park, Cúl Rua, Baile an Chollaigh, Co. Chorcaí, P31 W270


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