Tá Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin ag leanúint le glacadh hiarratais le clárucháin don scoilbhliain atá ag teacht 2020/21 suas go dtí an spriocdháta Deireadh Fomhair 2019. Tugtar amach na háiteanna de réir ár bpolasaí clárúcháin go luath I ndiaidh an data sin.
Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin are continuing to accept new enrolment applications for the next school year 2020/2021 up until the closing date of October 16th 2019. Places will be allocated according to our enrolment policy soon after that date. Please contact the Rúnaí Scoile on 021-4826181 Míle Buíochas.