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Suzuki Violin i nGaelscoil an Chaisleáin:

Tá an t-ádh dearg linn anseo i Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin go mbeidh Pax Ó Faoláin, B.Mus, mar bhall d'ár bhfoireann ag obair go dlúth le Sheena Knepper, B.Mus., agus lenár múinteoirí go léir, chun ceachtanna Ceoltóireachta a mhúineadh. Cuirfidh na ceachtanna seo go mór leis an obair atá tosnaith againn cheana féin chun clár ceoil comhtháithe den scoth a chur ar fáil d'ár bpáistí. Ag gach rangleibhéal déanfar cúram de na trí shnáithe curaclaim agus d'fhorbairt tuiscint na ndaltaí ar na gnéithe ceoil.

Suzuki Violin at Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin:

We are very fortunate at Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin that Pax Ó Faoláin, B.Mus has joined our team this year and works closely with Sheena Knepper B.Mus., and all our teachers, teaching Musicianship classes to all our children which will further complement the work Sheena Knepper has already begun in the Suzuki Violin Programme. The programme will encompass at all class levels, from Junior Infants to Rang 1, the three strands of the curriculum (listening and responding, performing and composing) and the development of understanding of the musical elements giving our children a rich and integrated musical education.

Some Pictures from our End of Year Celebration of learning 2019


Máire Uí Shé, B. Ed., M. Ed.

Uimhir Rolla


Fón: 021-4826181



Cumann Rugbaí Bhaile an Chollaigh, Tanner Park, Cúl Rua, Baile an Chollaigh, Co. Chorcaí, P31 W270


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