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Musicians in the Making: 47th Annual Suzuki Concert

Ghlac ár leanaí oillte Rang 1, faoi stiúr ár múinteoir ceoil iontach Sheena Knepper, páirt i "Musicians in the Making" 47ú Ceolchoirm BhliantúilSuzuki i gcomhairle le Scoil Cheol Chorcaí ar an Satharn 9ú Samhain 2019. B'í an cheád deis do na leanaí cur a láthair a dhéanamh ar an ardán mar ghrúpa agus bhaineadar ard-thaitneamh as an ócáid iontach seo.

Our very talented First Class children, under the direction of our amazing music teacher Sheena Knepper, took part in the Musicians in the Making 47th Annual Suzuki Concert in association with the Cork School of Music on Saturday 9th November 2019. It was the children first opportunity to perform on stage as a group, an experience that was thoroughly enjoyed by all involved.


Máire Uí Shé, B. Ed., M. Ed.

Uimhir Rolla


Fón: 021-4826181



Cumann Rugbaí Bhaile an Chollaigh, Tanner Park, Cúl Rua, Baile an Chollaigh, Co. Chorcaí, P31 W270


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