D'fhreastal ár Rang 5 ar ócáid speisialta eagraithe ag An Taisce sa Radisson. Bronnadh ár céad bhrat glas orainn mar scoil tar éis an bruscar sa scoil a laghdú le dhá bhliain anuas. Comhghairdeas ó chroí lenár gCoiste Glas agus Múinteoir Ciarán as a gcuid oibre go léir.
Our school was presented with our very first Green Flag by An Taisce in recognition of the considerable work undertaken by our Coiste Glas/ Green Committee led by Múinteoir Ciarán over the last two years. This achievement is also a great boost for our hardworking Ballincollig Tidy Towns committee, whom we are deeply committed to supporting.
